carolina coquette




Lets face it– there is nothing easy about “self love.” There is one simple truth to us all: we are all insecure individuals. This may seem hard to believe considering society today portrays beauty via Photoshop. In reality, even the models upon glossy GUESS ads are insecure. The difference between us and models is that (even Victoria’s Secret Angels) are ridiculed. If their body parts are not thin, thick, tan, toned, flawless, or blemish free… they are openly criticized. Models are barely even looked at as human beings, as they are basically a product to big companies. Now, I understand that many people go through criticism and bullying on a daily basis, but I am here to tell you that you are beautiful. You will not look like you stepped out of a magazine… because there is no such thing as a person following you around with a airbrush tab to eliminate your flaws in real life. But, real life is what makes us beautiful. Our flaws, our capacity to love, to think, to hope… Is that not beautiful? Marilyn Monroe had a mole on her face and she had been thought of as an icon of beauty for decades. A flaw that had become one of her trademarks. The question you must ask yourself… what is my flaw biggest flaw and how does it make me beautiful?

I, personally, have always hated my teeth! I also tend to exaggerate A LOT and I wear my heart on my sleeve. Do you not think I am aware of these flaws? The real question for you, my reader, is… do you really think that something as simple as being overweight, having crooked or yellow teeth, or  having a bad hair day could even mask your true beauty?

Not to mention, you are fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14. It is so important to remember than God made you in his image. God formed every aspect with you with his loving hands. Every trait of your being was created to make you into who you are. Is it not beautiful that He wrapped you in his love so you would come into this world with the capacity to love like him? Is it not beautiful that he created you knowing you will sin, but gives you the opportunity to be forgiven? Is it not enough that every ounce of your being was created to do good, beautiful things with your life? He loves you with every sin, mistake, and flaw.

It is important to remember that someone loves you, and this makes you more beautiful than any trait you could posses. Whether it’s friends, family, or others you hold dear; you will always be held close to the heart. Love is the greatest and most powerful form of beauty there is. Love is beauty.


-adapted from my previous blog.